Friday, May 23, 2014

Schools Out...Now SACS Covers the World!

In the words of the famous song...SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER!
However, from the mission fields to the vacation resorts, SACS families plan to cover the world!
While our campus is quite, you will find our students serving Christ with the Cherokee Indians, and in places like Haiti, Kenya, Georgia, and Malawi!
Our families will be seen on Lake LBJ, TBarM, Hilton Head, Hawaii, Disneyworld, Alaska, Germany, Lebanon, Paris, Cabo San Lucas, Jamaica....just to name a few!
Students will attend academic camps for math, yearbook, and journalism in Pennsylvania, Austin, and Washington D.C.

Some will attend athletic camps on college campuses and in Florida.

So, remember
TO PRAY...for our friends, family, and school!

Happy Summer Break...we will see you in August!
God Bless Our School!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

From Carnivals, Colleges, to Mission Fields!

This year our Middle School Student Council decided to do something BIG…they wanted to host an all-school carnival. After only two months of planning, the thirty Student Council members organized an amazing, fun-filled day for the SACS community! Our carnival had over fifteen games and activities including a cake walk, inflatable obstacle course, win-a-goldfish, face painting, balloon darts, raffle, and the popular dunk tank; not mention delicious food provided by the Hotchkiss family, the Lamas family, the White family, and Chik-Fil-A! This event was a HUGE success thanks to the conscientious work of the Student Council officers and members and their families. We would like to thank ALL of the families who donated their time and services to help make this project such a success. The best part is that we raised $4,500 for Christian Assistance Ministries!! We look forward to hosting this carnival again next year!

Seniors Thank Guidance!
Graduating senior, Bailey McCracken, thanked the Guidance Department for assistance to become a fighting Texas Aggie next fall. (Don't all WHOOP at once!) Guidance Director, Tina Hall, is so proud of all of the accomplishments of this year's senior class.  Graduation is Saturday, May 17 at Summit Christian Church.

            Two brief statements. First, we of the Haiti and Malawi (aka, formerly the Ukraine/Moldova mission trip which was cancelled due to security issues) Mission TEAMS thank you for all your support throughout this year. It has been our privilege and blessing to share with you our dreams to minister to the orphans of these two countries who are in such great need—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And, in only a few weeks, we will leave San Antonio to travel to, live in, and take the love of Jesus Christ to these people. We thank you for that opportunity and covet your prayers each and every day.
            Secondly, we want to ask you to consider being a part of the Mission TEAMS. Even though you may not be able to go on the trips, perhaps you have wondered if there was some way you could contribute. There is. If God guides you, would you prayerfully donate a financial gift to the Mission TEAMS to Haiti and Malawi. The students have worked hard all year to raise the necessary funds, and God has been faithful to provide for most of our needs. But, there are still some unfunded needs. Any donation, regardless of amount, will enable the Mission TEAMS to meet their financial obligations for the trips.
If you wish to donate, please send or mail your donation to SACS’ High School. Please make checks out to SACS and put “James 1:27 Mission Fund” in the memo area. Your donation will be shared equally between the Haiti and Malawi missions.
Your donation will be shared equally between the Haiti and Malawi missions. Thank you for your consideration and prayers.
“This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father,
to visit orphans and widows in their distress…” (James 1:27)

Monday, May 12, 2014

Oh, What A Night!

Friday night, May 9, was the official Jr/Sr Banquet celebration and it was a fabulous evening in so many ways!
The Junior class took Seniors off to Wonderland for a celebration of their accomplishments and fun while attending SACS!

Everyone in attendance enjoyed a delicious dinner and beautiful presentation of the Class of 2014!

This was such a great way to send off our seniors to go enjoy the snow storms of Colorado!!

Pray for their safe return and a wonderful graduation this coming Saturday, May 17!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Catch Some Football Fever!!

Spring Training is about to wrap up for the Mighty Lions Football Team...and the coaches love what they see!!
New athletic director, Brandon Parrott, said, "The thing that I have been most impressed with this spring is how excited these players are for next fall. They have showed incredible focus, effort, and enthusiasm since Day 1 of practice."
Parrott said, "The head coach search is entering its final stages and it's been a great process.  The SACS football program has established an incredible reputation in the coaching community and it was great to hear how highly area coaches feel about it.  The committee has shown an amazing dedication to this process and with God going before us the entire way, it has been clear the direction we are supposed to go.  I look forward to having an announcement soon and rallying all the Lions' fans to come out and support our new coach."

Get excited school is going to be a great Football Season 2014...our team is what????


Photography by Rebecca James

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


San Antonio Christian Schools (SACS) is pleased to announce the appointments of three graduates from the Class of 2014 to the top U.S. Military Academies.   This is the first time in school history for three to be selected from one graduating class.
Ross Prado has received a full appointment to the United States Air Force Academy, and was awarded the official documentation from one of his SACS teachers, Lieutenant Colonel Ronald Bracy, USAF, retired.   Prado participated in high school athletics, drama, and as a member of a Ukraine mission team which ministered to Ukraine orphans the last two summers.  He was selected to study in summer internships at Yale and an engineering program at Vanderbilt since his sophomore year.  This year the Air Force Academy accepted 1200 out of 9000 applications.

Bennett Gerlinger will join the next freshmen class at the United States Military Academy at West Point.  Gerlinger served as Student Body President his senior year at SACS.  He displayed leadership on the football team, mission work in Atlanta, Boys State, RYLA Youth leadership, Gold Youth Leadership State Seminar, work with the Special Olympics, writing for the high school newspaper staff and through exceptional academics.  This year West Point accepted 1200 out of 13,000 applications.

Jonathan Castaneda received a full appointment to the United States Naval Academy.  Castaneda excelled in areas of academics, athletics including Varsity Basketball, Youth Basketball Camps through Roy Maas Youth Alternatives, Inc., tutoring, Texas Boys’ State, West Point’s Summer Seminar, and the Naval Academy Summer Seminar.  This year the Naval Academy accepted 1200 out of 16000 applications.

Dr. Jake Walters, SACS Superintendent, said, “I cannot imagine a finer group of young men to represent our school, our city, and our state at the military academies.  We are very proud of their accomplishments and they will take our hearts and our prayers with them."

Congratulations to these stellar young men and their families!!