Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Perseverance and Resolve...Keys to SACS Missions

“The Mission TEAM Which Would Not Give Up”

By Ron Bracy

          The SACS Overseas Mission Trip of 2013-2014 was as unique as it was challenging.  It was a trip which will not be forgotten, because it was a trip which almost was not.  But, because of the commitment of the students to go wherever God wanted, it was a trip which was greatly blessed by God.
            Like the previous eleven overseas mission trips, the mission team of 2013-2014 was headed to Ukraine.  Plans had been made; team members had been chosen; dates had been scheduled; airline tickets had been reserved; room and board had been set up; and, supplies had been selected.  All was normal.  Or, was it?
            There were little things which were troubling; beneath the surface, there was uncertainty.  An article here; a newscast there; an email from friends in Ukraine; and, photographs on the Internet.  And, as the Fall months slowly passed, a climax began to build in Eastern Europe.  Political and military actions in Ukraine and Crimea crashed upon the scene in the last couple of months of 2013.  And, by December, it was clear that a decision was going to have to be made.  Was it safe to go to Ukraine?
            In January, the mission team leadership made a decision in conjunction with the parents, school administrators, and Ukraine mission leadership.  The trip to Ukraine was cancelled.  Now, what to do?
            After several weeks of exploring various locations ranging from Latvia (in the Balkans) to other places in Eastern Europe (Romania was one), the decision was made to go to Moldova (next door to Ukraine).  An opportunity to minister was already in place in Moldova through a mission organization established by Mr. Ganaway in 1991.  Changes were made; new airline reservations were scheduled; sites were determined for ministry; and, all the other logistical issues were modified.  However, the uncertainties had had one effect; the mission team was smaller; but, still determined to go on.  Moldova was the new mission site for the trip.
            But, again, God had other plans.  In the months of February and March, clouds of political and military unrest continued to spread throughout Eastern Europe, even within Moldova.  Again, the question was raised: was it safe to go to Moldova?  And, once again, a climax came, and a decision had to be made.  In April, the trip to Moldova was cancelled!
            But, this mission team, now reduced to twelve in number, would not give up.  At what, some thought was the final team meeting, the students voted unanimously:  “Wherever God wants to take us, we want to go!”  Within five hours, God revealed the location where He had planned for the team to go all along – Malawi, Africa.  Through the efforts of a local pastor, the SACS mission team joined with the mission team of another church near Tyler, Texas.  All the logistics, airplane flights, room and board were already in place.  And, the date, June 6-17, 2014, was exactly the time frame which met the needs of the SACS mission team.  When God puts His plans into motion, they are always perfect!
The ministry in Malawi was awesome.  The faithful Twelve, augmented by three former SACS students (now in college) who had gone on previous mission trips, and their two adult sponsors, found themselves walking in the steps of Jesus.  They shared the Gospel message, personal salvation testimonies, and True Love Waits in five schools to over 4,000 Malawian students, literally going into the school classrooms to speak.  Each team member had a personal interpreter, and two-by-two, they went into numerous villages going door-to-door or into village squares to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.  They saw literally hundreds of children and adults pray to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  On one afternoon, they shared in the baptisms in a small river of 170 Malawian converts—and one of their own, Miss Hallie Barr.  They also worked in Zoe’s Place and Hope House—mission stations—as they helped feed over 200 orphans each day.  Afterwards, they shared the Gospel with the children through Bible stories, songs, and games.  Try and imagine the faces and hearts of those young children—and the adults—as they experienced the love of Jesus through the lives of your SACS students!!!
Why was this particular mission trip so blessed by God?  The answer is simple—this group of SACS students refused to give up.  They knew in their hearts that God had called them to missions for this year. And, they waited and waited and waited until God revealed where He wanted them to go.  Then, they said with the prophet Isaiah, “Here am I.  Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)

There were two other actions which were influenced by the efforts of the SACS mission team.  The church near Tyler had never previously taken a mission team of high school students with them.  In their pastor’s words:  “your students overwhelmed us by their capabilities and hard work.”  They have invited SACS to go with them next year!  And, the local pastor who initially opened the door for us to go to Malawi is now making plans to open another mission station in Malawi.  Faithfulness to God’s call will always bear bountiful fruit!!!

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