This acclaimed film has already won over 19 Film Festival Awards and Honors. It was produced by a group of Christians with experience in the industry; however, they left their jobs to produce this one film because they believed so much in the story.
It is the only film ever allowed to film in the real Hiding Place in the Netherlands. Even the original Billy Graham movie, The Hiding Place, which focused on the Ten Boom family, did not shoot in the real location.
The six SACS graduates involved
Peter Spencer - Director/Writer/Executive Producer
Rachel Spencer Hewitt - Actress
Josiah Spencer - Co-Director and Editor
Philip Roy - Director of Photography/Cinematographer
Gideon Spencer - Actor
Megan Pearce - Actress
Rusty Sugg, SACS Director of Admissions, filled in with this information:
"It was Peter Spencer’s parents, Duane and Mary Alice Spencer, who began Grace Bible College Preparatory School in 1966. This school, of course, became San Antonio Christian Schools in 1972. Peter was a student at Grace. Three of Peter and Maria’s children (Rachel, Josiah, and Gideon) attended SACS. Petra Spencer Pearce (the film’s producer) did not attend SACS, but her daughter, Megan Pearce, does and she represents the third generation of Spencer children to attend Grace/SACS.
SACS is abundantly blessed to have a good number of families who have been with us for two generations (former students whose children now attend SACS), but the Spencer/Pearce family has been with us since the very beginning. I am sorry to say that I never knew Duane or Mary Alice, but we all are benefactors of their legacy."
Let's go enjoy this movie, and support our SACS family! Dr. Walters has seen it and gives it a big thumbs up!!
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