Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Meet HS Teacher Michael G. Karnavas

We are back to learning more about our new teachers!  Michael G. Karnavas is teaching Western Civilization (reg., honors, and dual credit) in the high school.

Michael has been teaching since 1999 and has previously worked at Castle Hills First Baptist, Harvest Academy, Northwest Vista College, St. Philips College, and Liberty University.

He worships at San Antonio First Baptist church, and his favorite verse is Genesis 15:6, "Abraham believed God and He credited to him as righteousness."

He loves the students at SACS, and loves that SACS has called him to perform Christian education the way he believes it should be performed.

But, there are some surprising sides to the beloved Mr. Karnavas!  When he was a high school student, his favorite times were on the weekend participating in BMX Racing!

Now, his favorite activities include relaxing after a busy week and watching a game...driving in the country to enjoy God's creation...and PLAYING THE TRUMPET!

We welcome him to the SACS Staff!

Pray for Michael and all of the high school as they are on retreat this week!

Photography by Allison Russell, high school photography teacher

Friday, September 19, 2014

Despite the Rain, We Picnic On!

The Elementary School/PTF Picnic on September 18 was a huge success despite the comings and goings of afternoon rain clouds.
Grilled hot dogs, bags of chips, cookies and ice-pops were consumed joyfully by parents, students, siblings, and teachers!  Rain sent everybody scurrying from their lawn chairs to the tents and overhang by the gym.  But, thankfully, the picnic was not a complete washout!  

  Seven winners were chosen for a pizza party with Mr. Paden.  A student from each grade (Pre-K thru 5th) was picked and will attend that party later in the year!

We are grateful to God for the picnic, the fellowship, the rain, and for those who kept hanging around!!

** Thank you to Briana Rouse for her photography contributions!!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Say Hello to Nicole Garza!

Nicole is loving every minute of teaching fourth grade at SACS Elementary.  She not only loves on her students, but goes home every day to love on her second grade daughter, Addison...also at SACS.  She has been happily married for twelve years.

She begins thirteen years as an educator, and was a teacher previously in the SAISD and NISD local school districts.  After touring the campus two years ago, she knew she desired to teach at SACS.  After much prayer, Nicole decided it was time to leave public education and devote more time to her faith.  She saw that SACS would be the perfect place to teach and incorporate the Lord's Word into the classroom each and every day.

God answered her prayers last June with a job offer from SACS.  Finally, her daughter could attend the best school in San Antonio and Nicole would be right there with her.

Currently, they attend Bandera Road City Church and her favorite Bible verse is "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." (Philippians 4:6)

When Nicole was the same age as her students, she loved reading the best and still does today.  Her favorite off-campus activity is to curl up in a big chair and read a good book.  She also loves playing with Izzy, their English Bulldog!

She loves the positivity at SACS and thinks the students and parents are the absolute BEST!!

We think she is pretty special as well!

Photography by Allison Russell, SACS High School Photography Teacher

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Today begins a special series about all of our new teachers!! We would love for you to know more as we all welcome them to the SACS Family!!

First, let’s begin in the high school with new teacher, Holly Cozzie.  Truly a Proverbs 31-wonder woman, Mrs. Cozzie has been married for thirteen “Wonderful” years and has five (yes, five) precious children: Leah, Adam, Lydia, Anthony, and Moriah, all ranging from ages 11 to 4!
Holly teaches Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, and Biology AP.  She has previously taught at REACH, University of Incarnate Word, and Loyola University in Chicago.  When she was in high school, her favorite subject was Calculus, and her favorite activities were time with her friends.
And, now she says her best times are with new friends at SACS…she “loves, loves, loves the students and faculty!”   On top of all this, Holly takes care of a one year old German shepherd named Stella, and eight year old cat called Joy, Joy!   Her large family attends Cross Mountain Church and her favorite Scriptures are from Philippians 4.

Holly brings a huge smile and much knowledge to our SACS students!

Photography by Allison Russell, HS Photography Teacher

Friday, September 5, 2014

Breaking News....SACS Student Makes International Mark!

Last week, junior Mason Riley raced in the ITU Sprint Age Group World Championships in Edmonton, Canada.   Mason finished the 16-19 Age Group race in 33rd out of the 80 athletes from around the world, with 2 years left to compete.   It was an honor to represent the United States and he looks forward to next year in Chicago, Illinois.

Way to Go, Mason!  SACS IS SO PROUD!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

On Any Normal.Day at SACS...

Visitors might be met with specialized condiments...
Our local news team, KSAC....

Children's laughter on the playground...
Catching up in the hallways....

No matter what is happening around campus, visitors will always, always be met with SMILES!!

Have a great day....get ready LIONS, first home football game is this Friday!  Roar!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

While many are thinking fall sports, SACS Baseball Families came together on Saturday the 23rd to give the field some much needed TLC!

The dugouts, concession stand and surrounding walls were painted a brilliant dark green. 

 Players, coaches and parents came out and worked together for the love of the game! Coach Mike Kripner led the crew in hopes a facelift for our field will not only improve safety and skill but will draw more attention and fans to the stadium by Spring season!

Now back to fall athletics....
The Middle School Cheer Squad says

And we all say...HAVE A GREAT LABOR DAY

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Perseverance and Resolve...Keys to SACS Missions

“The Mission TEAM Which Would Not Give Up”

By Ron Bracy

          The SACS Overseas Mission Trip of 2013-2014 was as unique as it was challenging.  It was a trip which will not be forgotten, because it was a trip which almost was not.  But, because of the commitment of the students to go wherever God wanted, it was a trip which was greatly blessed by God.
            Like the previous eleven overseas mission trips, the mission team of 2013-2014 was headed to Ukraine.  Plans had been made; team members had been chosen; dates had been scheduled; airline tickets had been reserved; room and board had been set up; and, supplies had been selected.  All was normal.  Or, was it?
            There were little things which were troubling; beneath the surface, there was uncertainty.  An article here; a newscast there; an email from friends in Ukraine; and, photographs on the Internet.  And, as the Fall months slowly passed, a climax began to build in Eastern Europe.  Political and military actions in Ukraine and Crimea crashed upon the scene in the last couple of months of 2013.  And, by December, it was clear that a decision was going to have to be made.  Was it safe to go to Ukraine?
            In January, the mission team leadership made a decision in conjunction with the parents, school administrators, and Ukraine mission leadership.  The trip to Ukraine was cancelled.  Now, what to do?
            After several weeks of exploring various locations ranging from Latvia (in the Balkans) to other places in Eastern Europe (Romania was one), the decision was made to go to Moldova (next door to Ukraine).  An opportunity to minister was already in place in Moldova through a mission organization established by Mr. Ganaway in 1991.  Changes were made; new airline reservations were scheduled; sites were determined for ministry; and, all the other logistical issues were modified.  However, the uncertainties had had one effect; the mission team was smaller; but, still determined to go on.  Moldova was the new mission site for the trip.
            But, again, God had other plans.  In the months of February and March, clouds of political and military unrest continued to spread throughout Eastern Europe, even within Moldova.  Again, the question was raised: was it safe to go to Moldova?  And, once again, a climax came, and a decision had to be made.  In April, the trip to Moldova was cancelled!
            But, this mission team, now reduced to twelve in number, would not give up.  At what, some thought was the final team meeting, the students voted unanimously:  “Wherever God wants to take us, we want to go!”  Within five hours, God revealed the location where He had planned for the team to go all along – Malawi, Africa.  Through the efforts of a local pastor, the SACS mission team joined with the mission team of another church near Tyler, Texas.  All the logistics, airplane flights, room and board were already in place.  And, the date, June 6-17, 2014, was exactly the time frame which met the needs of the SACS mission team.  When God puts His plans into motion, they are always perfect!
The ministry in Malawi was awesome.  The faithful Twelve, augmented by three former SACS students (now in college) who had gone on previous mission trips, and their two adult sponsors, found themselves walking in the steps of Jesus.  They shared the Gospel message, personal salvation testimonies, and True Love Waits in five schools to over 4,000 Malawian students, literally going into the school classrooms to speak.  Each team member had a personal interpreter, and two-by-two, they went into numerous villages going door-to-door or into village squares to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.  They saw literally hundreds of children and adults pray to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  On one afternoon, they shared in the baptisms in a small river of 170 Malawian converts—and one of their own, Miss Hallie Barr.  They also worked in Zoe’s Place and Hope House—mission stations—as they helped feed over 200 orphans each day.  Afterwards, they shared the Gospel with the children through Bible stories, songs, and games.  Try and imagine the faces and hearts of those young children—and the adults—as they experienced the love of Jesus through the lives of your SACS students!!!
Why was this particular mission trip so blessed by God?  The answer is simple—this group of SACS students refused to give up.  They knew in their hearts that God had called them to missions for this year. And, they waited and waited and waited until God revealed where He wanted them to go.  Then, they said with the prophet Isaiah, “Here am I.  Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)

There were two other actions which were influenced by the efforts of the SACS mission team.  The church near Tyler had never previously taken a mission team of high school students with them.  In their pastor’s words:  “your students overwhelmed us by their capabilities and hard work.”  They have invited SACS to go with them next year!  And, the local pastor who initially opened the door for us to go to Malawi is now making plans to open another mission station in Malawi.  Faithfulness to God’s call will always bear bountiful fruit!!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Morning at SACS

Before a book is opened...a problem calculated...or an experiment attempted, SACS students already have been hard at work beginning at 6AM.

Both HS & MS cross country teams are running in the dark, basketball players are in the gym, and athletes are lifting in the weight room as the day begins with dogged determination toward excellence. 

So, please everyone, remember once you drive on to this campus, your cell phone must be down...it is against the law and dangerous for our kids for you to be on your phones.  All runners are instructed to use reflectors, but can still be difficult to see.

Whether light of day or dark of night, the rule always applies for all of us...no cell phones used in cars while on campus.

Let's keep our students safe! 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

All Here Now...United In Spirit

Senior athletes greeted elementary families for the first day of school today and the kids, on both sides, loved it!  Today we have a guest post from Rusty Sugg in our Admissions Office.  Rusty reminds us we are all UNITED IN SPIRIT!


Another school year is upon us and this year (as it is every year) is different from one preceding it.  That’s because the face of SACS changes as God’s good, sovereign, and faithful hand guides His children into our community for that appointed season before He guides them on to the next chapter of their lives.  So while people, programs, and provision ebb and flow accordingly, the mission to which God has called us – providing a Christ-centered education to equip students for works of service – remains the constant.  It is for this reason we look forward to each new year with fresh anticipation to see what God is going to accomplish through this community in the lives of those He’s drawn to it.

An enjoyable part of interviewing families who apply to SACS is hearing the “back story” of how they were drawn here.  Approximately 2/3rds of new applicants come because of conversations they’ve had with people who currently attend or formerly attended the school.  As those current and former families share their “SACS experience,” prospective families identify with it as representing what they desire for their children and family.  Jesus said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me” (John 12:32).  Prayerfully, it is the manifestation of Jesus in the life of our school community (both individually and corporately) that He’s using as the draw for current and future families. 

And, of course, just because the pieces are in place doesn’t mean it automatically happens.  If we intend for our children to grow into Christ-centered people reflecting the servant heart of Christ, that mindset and behavior must be modeled in each one of us as examples for them to live into.  This is the mechanism at work when Scripture says, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Cor 11:1) and, “Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me--everything you heard from me and saw me doing…“ (Phil 4:9).  It’s not enough to proclaim truth, we have to live into the truth we proclaim if our lives are to have any credibility and our truth claims any validity. 

The theme being embraced by SACS this year is: “United in Spirit; intent on one purpose.”  If God is indeed a good, sovereign, and faithful God (and we certainly believe He is), then no one at SACS can be here by accident.  Therefore, each one of us – employee, parent, student – are the divine appointments God has called to participate in His plans and purposes which He intends to use this community to accomplish.  So, let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us and may God give us a spirit of unity as we follow Christ Jesus (the author and perfecter of our faith), so that with one heart and mouth we may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (Heb 12:1-3; Rom 15:5-6

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Faculty and Staff Return...United in Purpose!

Faculty and staff have returned to the SACS campus after a wonderful time of summer refreshment.  They are united in purpose to provide your children with excellent education, Biblical guidance, and the love of Christ!
In service... began with a time of praise...


Dining with new and old friends....

Catching up....


We cannot wait to see your students!!

It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers,  to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up  until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Schools Out...Now SACS Covers the World!

In the words of the famous song...SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER!
However, from the mission fields to the vacation resorts, SACS families plan to cover the world!
While our campus is quite, you will find our students serving Christ with the Cherokee Indians, and in places like Haiti, Kenya, Georgia, and Malawi!
Our families will be seen on Lake LBJ, TBarM, Hilton Head, Hawaii, Disneyworld, Alaska, Germany, Lebanon, Paris, Cabo San Lucas, Jamaica....just to name a few!
Students will attend academic camps for math, yearbook, and journalism in Pennsylvania, Austin, and Washington D.C.

Some will attend athletic camps on college campuses and in Florida.

So, remember
TO PRAY...for our friends, family, and school!

Happy Summer Break...we will see you in August!
God Bless Our School!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

From Carnivals, Colleges, to Mission Fields!

This year our Middle School Student Council decided to do something BIG…they wanted to host an all-school carnival. After only two months of planning, the thirty Student Council members organized an amazing, fun-filled day for the SACS community! Our carnival had over fifteen games and activities including a cake walk, inflatable obstacle course, win-a-goldfish, face painting, balloon darts, raffle, and the popular dunk tank; not mention delicious food provided by the Hotchkiss family, the Lamas family, the White family, and Chik-Fil-A! This event was a HUGE success thanks to the conscientious work of the Student Council officers and members and their families. We would like to thank ALL of the families who donated their time and services to help make this project such a success. The best part is that we raised $4,500 for Christian Assistance Ministries!! We look forward to hosting this carnival again next year!

Seniors Thank Guidance!
Graduating senior, Bailey McCracken, thanked the Guidance Department for assistance to become a fighting Texas Aggie next fall. (Don't all WHOOP at once!) Guidance Director, Tina Hall, is so proud of all of the accomplishments of this year's senior class.  Graduation is Saturday, May 17 at Summit Christian Church.

            Two brief statements. First, we of the Haiti and Malawi (aka, formerly the Ukraine/Moldova mission trip which was cancelled due to security issues) Mission TEAMS thank you for all your support throughout this year. It has been our privilege and blessing to share with you our dreams to minister to the orphans of these two countries who are in such great need—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And, in only a few weeks, we will leave San Antonio to travel to, live in, and take the love of Jesus Christ to these people. We thank you for that opportunity and covet your prayers each and every day.
            Secondly, we want to ask you to consider being a part of the Mission TEAMS. Even though you may not be able to go on the trips, perhaps you have wondered if there was some way you could contribute. There is. If God guides you, would you prayerfully donate a financial gift to the Mission TEAMS to Haiti and Malawi. The students have worked hard all year to raise the necessary funds, and God has been faithful to provide for most of our needs. But, there are still some unfunded needs. Any donation, regardless of amount, will enable the Mission TEAMS to meet their financial obligations for the trips.
If you wish to donate, please send or mail your donation to SACS’ High School. Please make checks out to SACS and put “James 1:27 Mission Fund” in the memo area. Your donation will be shared equally between the Haiti and Malawi missions.
Your donation will be shared equally between the Haiti and Malawi missions. Thank you for your consideration and prayers.
“This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father,
to visit orphans and widows in their distress…” (James 1:27)

Monday, May 12, 2014

Oh, What A Night!

Friday night, May 9, was the official Jr/Sr Banquet celebration and it was a fabulous evening in so many ways!
The Junior class took Seniors off to Wonderland for a celebration of their accomplishments and fun while attending SACS!

Everyone in attendance enjoyed a delicious dinner and beautiful presentation of the Class of 2014!

This was such a great way to send off our seniors to go enjoy the snow storms of Colorado!!

Pray for their safe return and a wonderful graduation this coming Saturday, May 17!