Friday, March 28, 2014

What's Happening On Main Street!

This week has flown by...and it is time to plan and refresh.  Make plans now to attend the high school play next week in the Student Life Center!
And make plans to refresh and renew your spirits...walking across our beautiful natural Texas landscape at SACS is a way to be quiet before the Lord and draw upon His resources.
Saint Theresa of Avila wrote, "Learning to draw water up from the spiritual well is a hard labor, indeed...because our senses are so much in the habit of flitting about from one worldly distraction to another.  And so, you must learn to set aside what you see and hear in order to see and hear what God would pour out upon you from his invisible kingdom.

When we begin to renew our minds in this way - that is, building the habit of constantly, deeply meditating upon the Lord Jesus - we draw water up out of the deep wells of salvation (Isaiah 12:3).

So, this is our part in the work: to wrestle with our wandering senses and our flitting thoughts. And God's part is to enliven our meditations by the power of his Spirit, so that it becomes for us living water - and this part, of course, does not depend upon us at all; it depends on God.

In this way, the tender flowers of new spiritual growth are watered."

Enjoy the beauty of our campus, the renewal Spring brings, and the refreshment from our Living Word."

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Meet Your Board: Mr. Steve Lyon


 Mr. Steve Lyon, a member of the Board since 2006, currently has one child attending SACS, Madalyn, in 7th grade, and two previous daughter-graduates.  His favorite thing to do with his children is to minister and serve others alongside them. His favorite thing about having his children attend SACS is that it prepares them for college and to be a light for Christ in the world. In his day-to-day job, he buys, “aircraft and associated training systems for the US Air Force. The systems we are pursuing right now is a replacement of the T-38. The system will help train US pilots going into all advanced fighters and bombers,” Lyon said.  The most difficult aspect of working on the SACS board, “is paying our teachers what they deserve while keeping tuition at a reasonable rate.” One of his favorite Bible verses is John 14:6-7, which says, “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.  If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.’”
-Reported and Written by Adam Wyatt, Revelation Staff

Monday, March 24, 2014

Ripped From The Headlines....

On occasion, SACS students receive opportunities to experience first hand stories in the fore front of national newscasts.

 Thursday, March 20, was such a day.  During high school chapel, Igor Novosadsky, a young Ukrainian, agreed to allow high school journalists Logan Cheney (KSAC News Anchor) and Mary McFadden (Revelation Opinions Editor) to ask him of the happenings inside of Ukraine.

Novosadsky has been the translator for the SACS Ukraine Mission Team, and, also, a member of the resistance inside of the country.  He spoke first hand of the oppression of the people and the deep concern as Russia advances.  He told the students they believe Vladimire Putin to be a dictator.

As chapel ended, President Obama held his own press conference.  Politico, reported, "President Barack Obama has chosen to "impose additional costs" on Russia, expanding sanctions to more senior Russian officials, individuals and a bank, he announced Thursday.The president has also signed a new executive order that "gives us the authority to impose sanctions not just on individuals but on key sectors of the Russian economy," he said."

For many at our school who have traveled to Ukraine and even adopted children, this story is very personal and we are honored to have Igor share with us his experiences.

Have a wonderful SPRING week, everyone!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Meet our Board: Mr. Kevin Caivano

Kevin Caivano has been on the SACS Board for 2 years. He works as a tax accountant at Tesoro, the building across the street from SACS. Currently he has three children attending SACS; Kendra, 14, Caelyn, 12, and David, 10. Mr. Caivano loves playing sports with his children when spending time with them. He says his favorite thing about having his children attend SACS is they love going to school here.  As Mr. Caivano says, “… the teachers, administrators, and families love Jesus and share his love as they teach and disciple our children.” He says about his Board position, “It is sometimes difficult to prioritize initiatives when we see ways to make improvements but can't do everything at once.” The most enjoyable aspect about his job is praying together with the rest of the Board members and letting God guide them in their decisions.

 Mr. Caivano’s favorite Bible verse is Mark 10:45, "For even the son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

By Adam Wyatt, Freshman, Revelation Staff Writer

Monday, March 17, 2014

And on the Red Carpet.....

We find the future film stars from the SACS Cinematography I & II classes.

The SACS Film Festival was held prior to Spring Break and was the second time a festival has presented the creative film works of students.  

Members of the class include:
Maddie Artale, Austin Blades, Ben Breig, Emma Brown, Josh Carter, Robert Dominguez, Christian Fornicola, David Gutierrez, Luke Hallier, Andrew Hawkins, Dae Kim, Vika Palmer, Osaias Sanchez, Garrett Smiley, Hunter Smith, Josh Swellander, Zac Terreri, Blake Jones, Jill Ebarb, Clayton Rhodes, Sarah Brown, Jackson Hamilton, and Josh Waechter.
Student, Robert Dominguez, is known for his Morgan-Freeman-type-voice and was a hit as the Master of Ceremonies for the Festival.  

Serious topics were discussed in creative and powerful messages using the visual techniques of film editing and story telling.

Osaias Sanchez accepted the challenging role as Film Festival Producer!  Sandi Hullum, classroom teacher, said, " Osaias had many roles and responsibilities he took very seriously and stayed late and arrived early to get them all accomplished...he ran a great show!"

Remember, Cinematography is one of the quality electives available at SACS High School.  Often within these electives, students discover a passion and even a career!

Hope your Spring Break was wonderful...we are beginning the last nine weeks on our way to ending another great year at SACS!!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Capturing Moments...

Amazing photograph...right?  This incredible image was taken by senior Brett Franklin and has won first place in the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum Photography Contest for young adults 18-21.  The museum is located in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Read more about this story in the next Revelation, to be released after mid-March.  Congratulations, Brett!
This lovely flower was found on campus and captured by senior photographer Erin McGrew!  It is a beautiful reminder that SPRING BREAK IS HERE.  Please pray for safety for all of our families...relish your time together...and will see you on March 17!  Don't forget to Spring Forward with your clocks this weekend!
Blessings to all!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Meet the Board: Kevin Horton

            Dr. Kevin Horton has served on the Board for five years, with one child who graduated in 2006 and another, Caleb, who is 16. Dr. Horton enjoys spending time with Caleb by playing catch or throwing to him in the batting cage. His day-to-day job has him practicing internal medicine as a physician. His favorite part about sending his child to SACS is that he is receiving a good education centered on Christ. Dr. Horton says the most difficult part about serving on the Board, “…is knowing that no matter how careful, diligent, and prayerful were are in making difficult decisions in guiding our school, there will always be criticism, misunderstanding, and misinterpretation of our intentions by some.” Dr. Horton’s favorite part about serving on the Board is seeing God answer their prayers for guidance. His favorite Bible verse is 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, which says, “Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

-By Adam Wyatt, SACS Freshman

Monday, March 3, 2014

R.I.O.T. Highlights!

Happy Monday, SACS Family!!  Hope you are warm and toasty this cold March morning!  Last week was the Middle School's traditional spirit week called RIOT (Ridiculous Idiot Outrageous Things) which basically means FUN!

On "Super Hero" day this lovely group of staff and faculty dressed as the famous Dr. Thomas Erbaugh, super hero principal of the MS.
When asked why Dr. Erbaugh is their super hero, answers included:

Super Hero and Dr. Erbaugh come together for me as I’ve watched him work faithfully, diligently and patiently with our students, our faculty and ME for the 11 years he has been our Principal here at the Middle School.  A description of a hero:  “somebody who is admired for outstanding qualities or achievements”.  Dr. Erbaugh has always been willing to put himself on the line for our students, our teachers and staff even when it is tough.  We always know where he stands and we ALWAYS know his desire is for God’s best. - Miriam Corbin, MS administration

Wow!  Where do I start to tell how Dr. Erbaugh is a super hero?  
Dr. Erbaugh loves the Word.  He shares daily with the kids by giving a devotion.  I am always inspired by what he shares with us.  
He stands in the gap for us.  When I mentioned this to the kids, they asked what that meant!  It means that he if there is ever a question of my integrity or what I have done, he stands by me.  He is very supportive of his teachers.  He makes sure we have the tools we need to do our job. 
Dr. E has an open door policy.  He is always there to ask questions or discuss concerns.  Nothing is considered “out of line.” 
He has a sense of humor.  If we take ourselves or our situation too seriously, he helps us laugh through it. 
He is a prayer warrior.  If I go with a concern from school or at home, I know he is going to pray about it. 
Dr. Erbaugh loves the kids and mentors those who struggle.  He also has an open door policy with them.  “Come in, share your heart, you are special to me,” is his silent message.     
I could go on and on, but these are the foremost things that stand out in my mind.  Dr. Erbaugh is a true super hero!  -Denise Moore, MS Faculty

SACS is full of super heroes and it is so much fun to see one of the greatest honored by his team!

Watch the weather Tuesday...we are in a Winter Storm Warning for Tuesday morning...and the fun goes on!!