And make plans to refresh and renew your spirits...walking across our beautiful natural Texas landscape at SACS is a way to be quiet before the Lord and draw upon His resources.
Saint Theresa of Avila wrote, "Learning to draw water up from the spiritual well is a hard labor, indeed...because our senses are so much in the habit of flitting about from one worldly distraction to another. And so, you must learn to set aside what you see and hear in order to see and hear what God would pour out upon you from his invisible kingdom.
When we begin to renew our minds in this way - that is, building the habit of constantly, deeply meditating upon the Lord Jesus - we draw water up out of the deep wells of salvation (Isaiah 12:3).
So, this is our part in the work: to wrestle with our wandering senses and our flitting thoughts. And God's part is to enliven our meditations by the power of his Spirit, so that it becomes for us living water - and this part, of course, does not depend upon us at all; it depends on God.
In this way, the tender flowers of new spiritual growth are watered."
Enjoy the beauty of our campus, the renewal Spring brings, and the refreshment from our Living Word."